Africa Wild Unplugged Black-and-White-Colobus-Portrait… Colobus displaying an amazing hair do Ndutu-Lion-LocationMoving through the morning light seeking… a good hunting location Arusha-NP-Elephant-Family-AtrollElephant family on a family stroll in… Tarangire NP Tarangire-Giraffe-necking… Giraffes in a wonderful display Serengeti-Lone-Bull-Wandering-The-Savannah… A lone bull elephant wanders the savannah Ngorongoro-SunriseSunrise high above the Ngorongoro crater… to awaken the day Ndutu-Cheetah-Dental-WorkA display of teeth shows off lethal hunting… tools of this cheetah Masi-Mara-HerderTraditional Masi herders moving their… cattle to a new grazing area. Ndutu-Cheetah-DejectionCheetah's have been run off their kill by… lions and are happy to walk away with their lives. Ndutu-Giraffe-Mirror-Image… Giraffes in mirror image Ndutu-Cheetah-Run-Off-The-Kill… Cheetahs walking away from their kill Ndutu-Cheetah-Stare-Down Ndutu-Eland-On-The-MoveEland moving through the migration herd… on the Serengeti plains Ndutu-Gnu-Calve-Nursing… A newborn Gnu (wildebeest) calve nurses Ndutu-Elephant-Love-3Elephants have a wonderful display of… emotion in this greeting Ndutu-Elephant-Playtime-2Teenage elephants engage in playful… wrestling Ndutu-Flamingo-Head-In-The-SandFlamingos add a brilliant pink display of… colour in the Serengeti lakebed Ndutu-Gnu-CrossingA Gnu herd crosses the lake as they move… to new grazing land Ndutu-Gnu-Moment… A mother Gnu and her calf Ndutu-Headed-Down-The-RoadAn elephant family heads down the road… together 12...5►